Eat your greens!: Broadstairs
Eat your greens!: Ramsgate
Eat your greens!: Bandstand
Eat your greens!: DSC01325.JPG
Eat your greens!: Ramsgate
Eat your greens!: Pulling mussels from the shell
Eat your greens!: Mischievous Tim
Eat your greens!: Katie's hair?
Eat your greens!: Feeding our faces
Eat your greens!: Oh bondage, up yours
Eat your greens!: Punk Lives
Eat your greens!: DSC01315.JPG
Eat your greens!: DSC01314.JPG
Eat your greens!: DSC01313.JPG
Eat your greens!: Beach inspector
Eat your greens!: Marina restaurant
Eat your greens!: Skimming stones
Eat your greens!: DSC01309.JPG
Eat your greens!: DSC01307.JPG
Eat your greens!: DSC01305.JPG
Eat your greens!: DSC01304.JPG
Eat your greens!: DSC01303.JPG
Eat your greens!: DSC01302.JPG
Eat your greens!: DSC01300.JPG
Eat your greens!: Paddling
Eat your greens!: CAUTION: keep away from the cliffs