Kim | Affairs of Living:
the garden
Kim | Affairs of Living:
the garden
Kim | Affairs of Living:
my kind of bouquet.
Kim | Affairs of Living:
cayenne, my natural pesticide
Kim | Affairs of Living:
the peas grew!
Kim | Affairs of Living:
pea flowers
Kim | Affairs of Living:
kohlrabi amongst the peas
Kim | Affairs of Living:
nasturtiums and lettuces
Kim | Affairs of Living:
Kim | Affairs of Living:
Kim | Affairs of Living:
the herb corner
Kim | Affairs of Living:
Kim | Affairs of Living:
sorrel and chervil
Kim | Affairs of Living:
Kim | Affairs of Living:
the beetberry grew!
Kim | Affairs of Living:
the back garden - greens, carrots, beets, sage...
Kim | Affairs of Living:
nasturtiums, marigolds
Kim | Affairs of Living:
kale, chard, collards, mizuna mustard
Kim | Affairs of Living:
kale, limas, peppers, and a bush cuc
Kim | Affairs of Living:
crazy grapevine - dolmades, here we come.
Kim | Affairs of Living:
crazy grapevine - dolmades, here we come.
Kim | Affairs of Living:
the grapevine tries to attack my collards
Kim | Affairs of Living:
the grapevine tries to attack my zucchini
Kim | Affairs of Living:
the creeping corner
Kim | Affairs of Living:
Kim | Affairs of Living:
Kim | Affairs of Living:
Kim | Affairs of Living:
blackberries or black raspberries, not sure which
Kim | Affairs of Living:
Kim | Affairs of Living: