"It's all in the reflexes": One New York Plaza
"It's all in the reflexes": Wall Street Public Courtyard
"It's all in the reflexes": Macklowe Properties Building
"It's all in the reflexes": National City Bank Building (entrance)
"It's all in the reflexes": National City Bank Building (facade)
"It's all in the reflexes": Trinity Church (2)
"It's all in the reflexes": George Washington
"It's all in the reflexes": George Washington (close-up)
"It's all in the reflexes": New York Stock Exchange facade
"It's all in the reflexes": Trump Building (side)
"It's all in the reflexes": Trump Building (front)
"It's all in the reflexes": William Beaver House
"It's all in the reflexes": two Los Angeles Park
"It's all in the reflexes": AT&T Long Lines Building