"It's all in the reflexes":
"It's all in the reflexes":
Memorial Stadium
"It's all in the reflexes":
Pass first
"It's all in the reflexes":
Killing the ball
"It's all in the reflexes":
Drop back
"It's all in the reflexes":
Read-option (2)
"It's all in the reflexes":
Almost muffed punt
"It's all in the reflexes":
"It's all in the reflexes":
Band leader
"It's all in the reflexes":
"It's all in the reflexes":
Cal Marching Band
"It's all in the reflexes":
Bring it on!
"It's all in the reflexes":
School spirit
"It's all in the reflexes":
Line 'em up
"It's all in the reflexes":
Warm ups
"It's all in the reflexes":
No huddle
"It's all in the reflexes":
Jared Goff
"It's all in the reflexes":
Shotgun snap
"It's all in the reflexes":
Right flat
"It's all in the reflexes":
"It's all in the reflexes":
Making room
"It's all in the reflexes":
Field goal
"It's all in the reflexes":
End zone
"It's all in the reflexes":