Shellback50: Molly in the back yard.
Shellback50: Snickers (almost 19 years old)
Shellback50: Snickers outside
Shellback50: I got new shoes!
Shellback50: I got new shoes!
Shellback50: Molly disapproves!
Shellback50: Sometimes you just gotta step on him!
Shellback50: Pep is a fat cat
Shellback50: He knows he is not supposed to be there!
Shellback50: Molly in black and white
Shellback50: Pepper and Molly
Shellback50: Pepper in the bookcase
Shellback50: Snickers laying in the sun
Shellback50: Molly on the couch
Shellback50: Pep in the Catnip
Shellback50: They are all just rotten animals!
Shellback50: Merry Christmas!
Shellback50: A study in Bad Animals
Shellback50: A study in Bad Animals
Shellback50: Snick and low light
Shellback50: Not Happy
Shellback50: Pep is not happy, either
Shellback50: Cat trap
Shellback50: Rotten Dog!
Shellback50: Bad dog--hogging the couch and flipper!