East-West Center:
Hokule`a Arrives in Honolulu
East-West Center:
Hokule`a Arrives in Honolulu
East-West Center:
Voyaging canoes at Hokule`a Arrival
East-West Center:
Naino Thiompson speaks to press
East-West Center:
EWC booth at Hokula homecoming fair
East-West Center:
EWC President Vuylsteke and Greg Trifonovitch
East-West Center:
EWC President Vuylsteke and Greg Trifonovitch
East-West Center:
UH President Lassner
East-West Center:
East-West Center at Hokule`a Homecoming
East-West Center:
EWC Hoku Booth_56
East-West Center:
East-West Center at Hokule`a Homecoming
East-West Center:
East-West Center at Hokule`a Homecoming
East-West Center:
East-West Center at Hokule`a Homecoming
East-West Center:
East-West Center at Hokule`a Homecoming