East-West Center: Sept. 28: Dr. Chaw Chaw Sein, Chair, International Relations Department, Yangon University (middle)
East-West Center: Sept. 28: Win Min, Senior Research Associate, Vahu Development Institute
East-West Center: Sept. 28: Myanmar in a Regional Context
East-West Center: Sept. 28: Myanmar in a Regional Context
East-West Center: Dr. Peter Lewis, Associate Dean for Academic and Faculty Affairs at SAIS,
East-West Center: Dr. Peter Lewis, Associate Dean for Academic and Faculty Affairs at SAIS,
East-West Center: Sept. 28: Dr. Charles Morrison, President, East-West Center
East-West Center: Sept. 28: Dr. Charles Morrison, President, East-West Center
East-West Center: H.E. Derek Mitchell, Ambassador of the United States in Myanmar
East-West Center: H.E. Derek Mitchell, Ambassador of the United States in Myanmar
East-West Center: Sept. 28: Neena Shenai, Trade Counsel, US House Committee on Ways and Means
East-West Center: Sept. 28: Off-the-record Congressional panel
East-West Center: Sept. 28: Jeremy Woodrum, Deputy Chief of Staff, Representative Joseph Crowley (NY-14) (right)
East-West Center: Sept. 28: Paul Grove, Subcommittee Clerk, State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs, Senate Committee on Appropriations
East-West Center: Sept. 28: Özge Güzelsu, Counsel, Senate Armed Services Committee
East-West Center: Sept. 28: Michael Schiffer, Senior Adviser and Counselor, Senate Foreign Relations Committee (far right)
East-West Center: Sept. 28 Panel 2: Myanmar's Approach to External Diplomatic and Economic Relations
East-West Center: Sept. 28: Dr. Zaw Oo, Senior Research Fellow and Director of Research, Centre for Economic and Social Development, Myanmar Development Resource Institute
East-West Center: Sept. 29: Yun Sun, Senior Associate, East Asia Program, Stimson Center
East-West Center: Sept. 29: Dr. Xiong Jie, Central Party School, People’s Republic of China
East-West Center: Sept. 29: David Steinberg, Distinguished professor of Asian Studies emeritus, Georgetown University, and Visiting Scholar, Johns Hopkins SAIS
East-West Center: Sept. 29 Panel 1: US Views
East-West Center: Sept. 29: Keith Luse, Executive Director, National Committee on North Korea (right)
East-West Center: Sept. 29: William Wise, Senior Associate Director, Asian and Southeast Asia Studies Program, Johns Hopkins SAIS (Chair)
East-West Center: Sept. 29: Bradley Babson, Consultant
East-West Center: Sept. 29: Peter Kucik, Principal, Inle Advisory Group (middle)
East-West Center: Sept. 29: Dr. Walter Andersen, Administrative Director, South Asia Studies, Johns Hopkins SAIS (Chair)
East-West Center: Sept. 29 Panel 3: Japanese, Indian, and Thai Views
East-West Center: Sept. 29: Kavi Chongkittavorn, Senior Fellow, Institute of Security and International Studies
East-West Center: Sept. 29: Dr. K. Yhome, Fellow, Observer Research Foundation