eastlancsleopard: My truck for the day 09/09/09 #1
eastlancsleopard: My truck for the day 09/09/09 #2
eastlancsleopard: Truck for the week w/c14/09/09
eastlancsleopard: Truck for the week w/c14/09/09
eastlancsleopard: Its a double decker but not as we know it!
eastlancsleopard: Recycle #2
eastlancsleopard: Recycle #1
eastlancsleopard: Actross the country
eastlancsleopard: Think of the money.....
eastlancsleopard: Slip sliding away #2
eastlancsleopard: Slip sliding away #3
eastlancsleopard: Here comes the cavalry (well the gritter)
eastlancsleopard: Greenfield gritter
eastlancsleopard: Chillin in the valley
eastlancsleopard: Slip sliding away #1
eastlancsleopard: Chep off the old blue block
eastlancsleopard: Big Truck, Small(er)Bridge!
eastlancsleopard: Auto gearshift
eastlancsleopard: Double deck pointing to number 1
eastlancsleopard: DAF 85 gearshift
eastlancsleopard: lorry stopper
eastlancsleopard: going nowhere
eastlancsleopard: Light and white
eastlancsleopard: Not stuck again!
eastlancsleopard: Volvo FM12 gearshift
eastlancsleopard: It's that trailer again!
eastlancsleopard: Tight fit!
eastlancsleopard: Urban by day