Eastern Traveller:
Shadow and the empire state
Eastern Traveller:
Empire State from the top of the Rockerfeller Center
Eastern Traveller:
Zhanetta Tsoy
Eastern Traveller:
Brooklyn bridge
Eastern Traveller:
Brooklyn Bridge
Eastern Traveller:
The Grandness of Grand Central
Eastern Traveller:
New York dominates the world!
Eastern Traveller:
North North East for Central Park
Eastern Traveller:
Brooklyn Bridge
Eastern Traveller:
Eastern Traveller:
Eastern Traveller:
Eastern Traveller:
Fulton Center
Eastern Traveller:
One World Trade Center
Eastern Traveller:
One World Trade Center
Eastern Traveller:
Old and the new
Eastern Traveller:
Brooklyn Bridge
Eastern Traveller:
Downtown Manhattan
Eastern Traveller:
Boeing 777 aircraft shadow on the cloud as we come into land at JFK.
Eastern Traveller:
brooklyn Bridge 360
Eastern Traveller:
United Nations General Assembly
Eastern Traveller:
United Nations building
Eastern Traveller:
White Squirrel