Thomas R. Belfield: Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum
Thomas R. Belfield: Ipomoea sp. - ʻuala
Thomas R. Belfield: Kokia drynarioides (Seem.) Lewt. - Koki'o
Thomas R. Belfield: Metrosideros polymorpha Gaud. - 'Ōhi'a lehua mamo
Thomas R. Belfield: Pritchardia schattaueri - loulu
Thomas R. Belfield: Pritchardia schattaueri - loulu
Thomas R. Belfield: Hibiscus waimeae - koki`o ke`oke`o
Thomas R. Belfield: Gardenia brighamii mann. - nānū
Thomas R. Belfield: Brighamia insigne
Thomas R. Belfield: Bonamia menziesii
Thomas R. Belfield: Abutilon sandwicense (O. Deg.) Christoph.
Thomas R. Belfield: Abutilon menziesii - ko'oloa 'ula
Thomas R. Belfield: Pūpūkea - fishes in the sea
Thomas R. Belfield: Heliops at Naulu
Thomas R. Belfield: Microlepia speluncae (L.) T. Moore
Thomas R. Belfield: Kīpuka Kī
Thomas R. Belfield: Kīpuka Puaulu Road
Thomas R. Belfield: Kīpuka Kī
Thomas R. Belfield: Vanessa tameamea - Kamehameha butterfly
Thomas R. Belfield: Blackburn's blue (Udara blackburni) and Kamehameha butterfly (Vanessa tameamea) rare photo
Thomas R. Belfield: Kīpuka Maunaiu - Mauna Loa
Thomas R. Belfield: Pisonia brunoniana Endl. - pāpala kēpau