Stagecoach North West 11157 YX68UXH turns onto the A69 at Haydon Bridge with a Carlisle bound 685 'Cross Pennine' service.
Arriva North East 1512 NL63VRF calls at Hexham Bus Station with a Newcastle bound 'Cross Pennine' 685 service.
Stagecoach North West 27141 SN64OGE at Haydon Bridge with a Westbound 'Cross Pennine' 685 service.
Stagecoach North West 11157 YX68UXH about to cross the River Tyne at Corbridge with an Eastbound 'Cross Pennine' 685 service.
Stagecoach North West 11157 YX68UXH Carlisle Depots new kid on the block on its second day in service departs from Hexham Bus Station with the 09.33 685 'Cross Pennine' service from Newcastle to Carlisle.
Stagecoach North West 11157 YX68UXH Carlisle Depots new kid on the block on its second day in service arrives at Hexham Bus Station with the 09.33 685 'Cross Pennine' service from Newcastle to Carlisle.
Arriva North East 1495 NK61CZJ arrives at Hexham Bus Station with a Newcastle bound 'Cross Pennine' 685 service.
Stagecoach North West 27141 SN64OGE calls at Priestpopple stop in Hexham with a 'Cross Pennine' service 685 to Carlisle.
Stagecoach North West 27142 SN64OGF calls at Hexham Bus Station with a 'Cross Pennine' service 685 to Carlisle.
Arriva North East 4660 NK07FZC leaves Hexham Bus Station with a 685 'Cross Pennine' service to Carlisle.
Arriva North East 1513 NL63VRG at Hexham Bus Station with a 685 'Cross Pennine' service to Newcastle.