Gobbiner: Square Peg Buses, Leeds Y167 HRN departs Seacroft Bus Station with a 9 service to the White Rose Centre.
Gobbiner: Square Peg Buses, Leeds Y169 HRN arrives at Seacroft Bus Station with a service 9 from the White Rose Centre.
Gobbiner: Square Peg Buses, Leeds Y174 HRN arrives at Seacroft Bus Station with a terminating 22 service.
Gobbiner: Square Peg Buses, Leeds Y162 HRN at Seacroft Bus Station with a 22 service to Rothwell.
Gobbiner: Square Peg Buses N881 FKK on Leeds area schools duties.
Gobbiner: Square Peg Buses YG52CFP on Leeds area schools duties.
Gobbiner: Square Peg Buses, Leeds BX54DME runs 'Out of Service' to take up its duty for the day.
Gobbiner: Square Peg Buses, Leeds MX11JYR runs 'Out of Service' to take up its duty for the day.
Gobbiner: Square Peg Buses, Leeds YD02PXX coming off morning Leeds area schools duties.
Gobbiner: Square Peg Buses, Leeds YD02PYU coming off morning Leeds area schools duties.
Gobbiner: Square Peg Buses, Leeds YX68UKY runs 'Out of Service' to take up its duty for the day.