Gobbiner: First South West 32756 WA54OLO arrives at Truro bus station with a 93 service.
Gobbiner: First South West 33421 WA08MVF reverses off the stand at St Austell Railway station with a 27 service to Truro.
Gobbiner: First South West 33460 WK66CCY leaves Truro with an early evening T1 short working to Camborne.
Gobbiner: First South West 33475 WK66BYZ in Truro.
Gobbiner: First South West 33459 WK66CCX reverses off the stand at Truro bus station with a T1 service to Penzance.
Gobbiner: First South West 33473 WK66BYX in Truro bus station bound for Falmouth with a U1 service.
Gobbiner: First South West 64055 WK15DMU on Truro Park & Ride duties.
Gobbiner: First South West 43867 EG52FHC working Truro area services.
Gobbiner: First South West 43865 EG52FGU in Par.
Gobbiner: First South West 42358 EY05FYP in Truro.
Gobbiner: First South West 32757 WA54OLP in Truro.
Gobbiner: First South West 30871 W726 DWX in Truro Bus Station with a Newquay service.
Gobbiner: First South West 32876 HIG 1527 in Truro.
Gobbiner: New for the South West at Cambourne depot is First Kernow 33317 WK18CHC.