Gobbiner: The Kings Ferry 433 BL16FYY at M65 Junction 9 carrying Crystal Palace supporters to Burnley.
Gobbiner: The Kings Ferry 601 YJ64AVK at M65 Junction 9 carrying Crystal Palace supporters to Burnley.
Gobbiner: The Kings Ferry, Gillingham YT61GRF at Ewood Park, Blackburn.
Gobbiner: The Kings Ferry 709 YJ15EPC on Kent Commuter duties at the I MAX roundabout, Waterloo.
Gobbiner: The Kings Ferry 6.21 FJ61EXF on Kent Commuter duties at the I MAX roundabout, Waterloo.
Gobbiner: The Kings Ferry YT61GRU at Bank.
Gobbiner: The Kings Ferry, Gillingham 708 YT61GRX at Bentley Wood, Burnley with Chelsea supporters visiting Turf Moor for the match with Burnley.
Gobbiner: The Kings Ferry, Gillingham 901 YD19GRF participating in the South East Bus Festival at the Kent Showground at Detling nr Maidstone.
Gobbiner: The Kings Ferry, Gillingham Driver Trainer V4 PKF participating in the South East Bus Festival at the Kent Showground, Detling nr Maidstone.
Gobbiner: The Kings Ferry, Gillingham 520 BF68ZFJ participating in the South East Bus Festival at the Kent Showground at Detling nr Maidstone.
Gobbiner: The Kings Ferry, Gillingham YT19KUR in Canterbury on Dover Cruise Ship duties.