Gobbiner: Stagecoach South Wales 52633 S673 RWJ in Merthyr Tydfil Bus Station.
Gobbiner: Stagecoach South Wales 25116 YJ62FAF on layover in Merthyr Tydfil Bus Station.
Gobbiner: Stagecoach South Wales 43009 CN12ASV on Merthyr Tydfil services.
Gobbiner: Stagecoach South Wales 47815 CN12CXP in Merthyr Tydfil Bus Station.
Gobbiner: Stagecoach South Wales 36795 CN62CXW in Pontypridd Bus Station working on 120 / 130 services.
Gobbiner: Stagecoach South Wales 25209 CN57BYV leaving Merthyr Tydfil Bus Station.
Gobbiner: Stagecoach South Wales 37015 YX63ZTN leaves Caerphilly Bus Station with a 50 service for Bargoed.
Gobbiner: Stagecoach South Wales 43002 CN12ARF working on Merthyr Tydfil locals.
Gobbiner: Stagecoach South Wales 28725 YN15KFP in Pontypridd Bus Station working on the X4 corridor.
Gobbiner: Stagecoach South Wales 35406 CN11BZV heads out of Cardiff with a 26 Blackwood service.
Gobbiner: Stagecoach South Wales 37172 YX64VNR in Newport.
Gobbiner: Stagecoach South Wales 27280 SN65ODX arrives in Newport with an X24 service.
Gobbiner: Stagecoach South Wales 52401 P771 TTG in Cwmbran depot.
Gobbiner: Stagecoach South Wales 39618 AE04PJU in Blackwood depot.
Gobbiner: Stagecoach South Wales 39620 YN05UPY in Blackwood depot
Gobbiner: Stagecoach South Wales 34555 LX53LGL in Blackwood depot.
Gobbiner: Stagecoach South Wales 52631 S671 RWJ in Blackwood depot.
Gobbiner: Stagecoach South Wales 47818 CN12CXT in Pontypridd Bus Station on Sunday X4 duties.
Gobbiner: Stagecoach Red & White 50253 YJ14LHE calls at Meadowhall Interchange with an M12 'Megabus' service to London.
Gobbiner: Stagecoach Red & White 54292 YX67UPW 'Al Bus Dumbledore' at London Victoria.
Gobbiner: Stagecoach Oxford (Thames Transit) on loan covering for an Astromega away in Belgium for accident repairs is 50237 CN61FAO on Elizabeth Bridge, London Victoria.
Gobbiner: Stagecoach Red & White 54291 YX67UPV 'mega mcmegaface' arrives at London Victoria with an M7 Megabus service.
Gobbiner: Stagecoach Red & White 54289 YX67UPX 'Poppy' at London Victoria with a South Wales bound M7 Megabus service.
Gobbiner: Stagecoach South Wales (Red & White) 54290 YX67UPT 'Megasaurous' leaves Bristol with an M10 London - Cardiff Megabus service.
Gobbiner: Red & White t/a Stagecoach South Wales 21359 BV19LPO in Cardiff centre prepares to work a T4 'TrawsCymru' service for Merthyr Tydfil.
Gobbiner: Red & White t/a Stagecoach South Wales 26197 YX67VAU in Cardiff centre working a 26 service for Caerphilly and Blackwood.
Gobbiner: Stagecoach Wales 25107 YJ61MMO at Optare in Blackburn.
Gobbiner: Stagecoach Wales 25105 YJ61MME at Optare in Blackburn
Gobbiner: On loan with Stagecoach Midlands is Stagecoach South Wales 26104 YX66WJN working a private Commonwealth Games 2022 Shuttle in Central Birmingham.
Gobbiner: Red & White t/a Stagecoach South Wales 54279 YX66WNL 'David Attenbus' departs Huddersfield Bus Station working a Newport & Cardiff bound Megabus service.