Gobbiner: Cardiff Bus 764 CN58FFW on Custom House St.
Gobbiner: Cardiff Bus 264 CN64FWM on the City Circle service.
Gobbiner: Cardiff Bus 462 CN57BKE on Custom House St.
Gobbiner: Cardiff Bus 741 CN59CKV on Custom House St.
Gobbiner: Cardiff Bus 713 CN04NRL on Custom House St.
Gobbiner: Cardiff Bus 724 CN57BHX passing the Golden Cross with a 30 service to Newport.
Gobbiner: Cardiff Bus 301 CN65AAE in the city centre with a 57 service.
Gobbiner: Cardiff Bus 603 CN06GDO in the bay area with a service 6.
Gobbiner: Cardiff Bus 121 CN65ABF on Glyn Coed Rd with an inbound 57 service.
Gobbiner: Cardiff Bus trainer T161 W161 EAX at Sloper Rd depot.
Gobbiner: Cardiff Bus (on loan) 788 YX65RKK on Churchill Way working on the X59.
Gobbiner: Cardiff Bus 461 CN57BKD in Newport Bus Station working on the 30.
Gobbiner: On Loan to Cardiff Bus from Reading Buses is O/T 520 V524 ESC working the Penarth Pier Tour passing through Cardiff City Centre.
Gobbiner: Cardiff Bus 305 CN65AAO working local area services passing through the City Centre.
Gobbiner: Cardiff Bus 464 CN57BKG working local area services in Cardiff Centre.
Gobbiner: Cardiff Bus 541 CN17EYL runs 'Out of Service' through the City Centre.
Gobbiner: Cardiff Bus 554 CN17BGV working local area services passing through Cardiff City Centre
Gobbiner: Cardiff Bus 131 CN17FZS in the City Centre.
Gobbiner: Cardiff Bus 251 CE63NZF working Cardiff Bay area services passing through the City Centre.
Gobbiner: Ex Isle of Man Citaro now with Cardiff Bus as 143 CN11KFY working local area services in Cardiff.
Gobbiner: Cardiff Bus 766 CN58FFU working local area services passing through the City Centre.
Gobbiner: Cardiff Bus 152 CX12FNH working local area services passing through Cardiff City Centre.
Gobbiner: Cardiff Bus 741 CN59CKV working local area services passing through the City Centre.
Gobbiner: Cardiff Bus 353 YT10 UWL in the City Centre working local area services.
Gobbiner: Cardiff Bus 301 CN65 AAE in the City Centre working local area services.
Gobbiner: Cardiff Bus 313 SK22 BVF in the City Centre working local area services.
Gobbiner: Cardiff Bus 342 YR59 FZD in the City Centre working local area services.
Gobbiner: Cardiff Bus 307 CN65 AAV in the City Centre working local area services.
Gobbiner: Cardiff Bus 702 CN73 AZZ in the City Centre working on service 13 to Drope.
Gobbiner: Cardiff Bus 255 CE63 NZK in Penarth working local area services.