easegill: sunkissed clouds at daybreak
easegill: On our way #roadtrip #womad19 #campervanlife
easegill: 74/365 15th March 2019
easegill: On the road to Taranaki #hauora #perspective #nzbeauty #roadtrip #womad19 #campervanlife
easegill: Listening to the radio as we drove down to Taranaki for #womadnz19 wondering how can there be such hatred and ugliness of thought and deed in such a beautiful world? #saddened #horrified #arohanui
easegill: Unashamedly trying to bring some beauty to the Twitter feed in NZ. It's a sad, sad day but reading the feed I feel surrounded by aroha in the face of ugliness. #nowords #justsadness
easegill: Music is good for the soul. #nadiareid #womadnz19 #
easegill: Love the colour, celebration of cultures and diversity at #womadnz19 #anythinggoes #celebrate #aroha
easegill: #baloji @baloji lighting up the night sky @womadnz #womadnz19
easegill: Night market #womadnz19 @womadnz
easegill: @baloji #baloji @womadnz #womadnz19
easegill: @sonajobarteh #womadnz19 @womadnz #theyareus #humanity
easegill: Virtuoso performance from the fiddle player #passion #flair #theoriginalgypsies #womadnz19 @womadnz
easegill: Probably one of 1000s of photos of this iconic view of @womadnz
easegill: Colorful characters @womadnz #peopleofwomad #diversity #celebration
easegill: 75/365 16 March 2019
easegill: Opening Day 2 #womadnz19 @riahallnz @womadnz speaking of the history of Aotearoa and acknowledging and celebrating the diversity of cultures in Aotearoa #weareone #forever
easegill: @riahallnz a powerful start to Saturday @womadnz #womadnz19
easegill: After saying a karakia for Otautahi and peace, aroha, manaakitanga @riahallnz dedicated this song to Aotearoa, Otautahi and those who were killed and their families. Those who are privileged to have the power to effect change have a responsibility to do s
easegill: Rocking my new skirt...#ngatififiwomad #womadnz19 #reversible #itsgotpockets @ngatififireversibleskirts
easegill: Reflections of my new skirt #ngatififiwomad #itsgotpockets #reversible #womadnz19 @ngatififireversibleskirts
easegill: #marjanuut&ruum @womadnz reminding us of the importance of our role as kaitiaki of our environment. #environment #music #womadnz19
easegill: #silkroadensemble paying tribute to #Otautahi #christchurch in the best way possible.. through celebration of music that transcends race, culture, religion and unites people in peace and love. #womadnz19 @womadnz
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easegill: Awesome set from #sharronshannonband had me more than tapping my feet - managed to do 5,000 steps in an hours dancing! #womadnz19 @womadnz
easegill: This man is a virtuoso on the tambourine. Never seen anything like it #sharonshannonband #womadnz19 @womadnz
easegill: High octane energy from #shantelandbukovinaorkestar @womadnz #womadnz19
easegill: @angeliquekidjo takes the stage last act @womadnz for Saturday.... #womadnz19
easegill: @angeliquekidjo takes the stage last act @womadnz for Saturday.... #womadnz19
easegill: Morning sky #viewfromacampervan #campervanlife #womadnz19