easegill: 14/365 A can of worms...
easegill: 5/375 Birthday boy 60 years young
easegill: 17/365 Cairn
easegill: Tongariro Vents
easegill: Tongariro Crossing
easegill: This view never fails to take my breath away #emeraldlake #tongariro #tingarirocrossing #northerncircuit Image description: an emerald coloured lake sits below me as I stand just below the top of the scree slope having come over the ridge to Red Crater. A
easegill: That rock might once have been inside that big volcano... #nature #ourworldisbeautiful #challenge #thankful Image description: a large triangularish shaped reddish boulder sits in front of a blue lake which is nestled at the foot of a rocky volcano. The s
easegill: Love this landscape #wild #desert #volcanic #trailwalking #gratitude #ourworldisbeautiful Image description: a snow capped mountain in the distance, a white cloud above it leaves its summit like a plume of smoke. The foreground is a mass of cinder rocks s
easegill: 18/365 A big day out with a bunch of the nicest crazies you'll ever find #trailwalking #friends #livelife #gratitude #ourworldisbeautiful
easegill: 16/365 Fascinating what you see... #bras #overshoulderboulderholders #washingday #nationalpark #tongariro
easegill: Tupapakurua Falls #brainbreak #thinkingwalk #workfromanywherewithwifi #nationalpark #tongariro
easegill: The mighty maunga looking good #hauora #thinkingwalk #brainbreak
easegill: View from my desk today... #workingfromhome #homefromhome #nationalpark #tongariro
easegill: Whakataka te hau ki te uru Whakataka te hau ki te tonga Kia mākinakina ki uta Kia mātaratara ki tai E hī ake ana te atākura He tio he huka he hauhu Tīhei Mauriora.
easegill: Rainbow over King Country #taumarunui
easegill: Rainbows #rainbows Image description: rainbow over a dark cloudy sky, hills and fields lit by the sun.