easegill: Flamenco dresses #elrastro #madrid #spain15
easegill: #welcome water #readytogo #Manzanares #spain15 #aninterestingday
easegill: You can buy anything in El Rastro #chastity #madrid #spain15
easegill: The Sun ..and other planets! #ParquedelPoligono #Manzanares #spain15 #aninterestingday
easegill: Remnants of lives lived #wallpaper #demolition #Manzanares #spain15 #aninterestingday
easegill: Love this skirt #manuelpina #fashiondesign #Manzanares #spain15 #aninterestingday
easegill: "Man's shadow is sometimes more human and more real than man is himself " Manuel Pino #fashiondesign #Manzanares #spain15 #aninterestingday
easegill: Love these canopies, shade but still light #sunshade #Manzanares #dailylife #spain15
easegill: #grafitti #urbanart #politicalstatement #freedomofexpression #Manzanares #spain15
easegill: Urban poetry #grafitti #urbanart #Manzanares #spain15
easegill: Quero #viewfromatrain #grafitti #storks
easegill: Hot landscape #fromthetrain #spain #adventureday
easegill: Plaza Mayor #whpnightlights #madrid #spain
easegill: Puerta del Sol #whpnightlights #madrid
easegill: Plaza Mayor accordeonist #whpnightlights #madrid #nightlife
easegill: Cool canopy #madrid #puertadelsol
easegill: Creo que no llovera! #madrid #hothothot
easegill: #flapsdown #landinginspain
easegill: Patchwork #fields #lookingdown #spain #nearlythere #offtospain
easegill: Looking down on Valencia #offtospain #longtrip
easegill: Good morning world #nearlyindubai #offtospain
easegill: Next plane to Madrid #morehsbcadvertising #HSBC everywhere #slapintheface
easegill: Little boxes #dubai #lookingdown #offtospain
easegill: Still no resolution to my online access #HSBC #internationalbank #worldwide #not
easegill: Excitement starting now #readytogo #offtospain #ilovetravel #thatsmyplane
easegill: Beer 'n'planes #offtospain #
easegill: Flowers from 9AJ #leaving #thankyou #awesomeclass #waikatodio
easegill: The tender outbreaks were delicious #translation #languages #magicoflanguage #madrid #spain15
easegill: Last morning coffee and #churros #mercadosanmiguel #madrid #spain15
easegill: Sweeping #madrid #spain15