easedale: Dales walls
easedale: Graveyard
easedale: Stairwell
easedale: Misty Cloudy Day over Luz St Sauveur
easedale: Misty Cloudy Day over Luz St Sauveur No1
easedale: Cloud over valley above Lac Gloriette
easedale: The lady in window
easedale: Derelict Croft on Uist
easedale: Floating Flower in Pyrennees
easedale: Tarmachan Ridge
easedale: Folk at the Oak 3
easedale: Folk at the Oak 2
easedale: Folk at the Oak 1
easedale: The Oak HDR
easedale: Folk at the Oak again!
easedale: Rusty Frame on Tarmachan
easedale: Brent Hill from Ugborough Beacon HDR
easedale: Tree by Loch Tay - col
easedale: Tree by Loch Tay - B&W
easedale: Loch Tay Tree portrait take 2 desat effect
easedale: Granite Face
easedale: Head jam
easedale: Earth Mother
easedale: Rotting apples
easedale: Graffitti 3
easedale: graffitti 2
easedale: graffitti 1
easedale: Graffitti 5
easedale: Yar Tor - distressed
easedale: Door Shadows