Earthworm: Inclement Weather Travel Suit
Earthworm: Exterior Strawbale House
Earthworm: Solar Panels and Battery Hut
Earthworm: Strawbale house and Solar hut
Earthworm: Adobe Bike Hut Open
Earthworm: Bike Hut Door Handle
Earthworm: Bike Hut Toolbench
Earthworm: Bike Hut Cob Sculpture
Earthworm: Adobe Bike Hut
Earthworm: Elevation 9500 ft = Cold Nights
Earthworm: Earth Bermed Scrap House
Earthworm: The $13 House
Earthworm: Scrap House Entrance
Earthworm: Loft Bed of Scrap House
Earthworm: Scrap House Interior Wall
Earthworm: Interior of $13 House
Earthworm: Tire Wall Pit Bathroom
Earthworm: Pit Toilet Bathroom w: Tire Walls
Earthworm: Firepit Introductions
Earthworm: High Country Garden
Earthworm: Healing Skies
Earthworm: Strawbale Kitchen
Earthworm: Strawbale interior
Earthworm: Earthship In Progress
Earthworm: Natural Building Family
Earthworm: Earthship Tire Wall
Earthworm: Day One: Adobe Brickmaking
Earthworm: Just Like Making Wine
Earthworm: Mixing Party
Earthworm: Brick Is Formed