earthmatterNY: Fermented hot sauce bottling by Yuk
earthmatterNY: Testing our lavender simple syrup recipe
earthmatterNY: Lovage soda by Ilsa
earthmatterNY: Lavender simple syrup for making lavendertinis
earthmatterNY: Lavender simple syrup using different sugars
earthmatterNY: Herbal syrups lemon balm, spearmint and lovage to add to seltzer to make soda
earthmatterNY: Soaking pea shoots for little Eva’s pea shoot garnish dishes
earthmatterNY: Soaking pea shoots for little Eva’s pea shoot garnish dishes
earthmatterNY: Pure cane sugar mint simple syrups for vendor sales
earthmatterNY: Pure cane sugar mint simple syrups for vendor sales
earthmatterNY: Pure cane sugar mint simple syrups for vendor sales
earthmatterNY: Pure cane sugar mint simple syrups for vendor sales
earthmatterNY: Pea shoots fir Little Eva’s salad
earthmatterNY: Little Eva’s menu 7.18
earthmatterNY: Novamont checks out Earth Matter’s lavender bouquets in the FGI store
earthmatterNY: Crafters screen t shirts and sachet bags
earthmatterNY: Crafters screen t shirts and sachet bags
earthmatterNY: Crafters screen t shirts and sachet bags
earthmatterNY: Silk screened and fabric stamped bags
earthmatterNY: Silk screened and fabric stamped bags
earthmatterNY: Silk screened and fabric stamped bags
earthmatterNY: Silk screened and fabric stamped bags
earthmatterNY: Butternut squash pie 10.06.18
earthmatterNY: Harvesting Bok Chou
earthmatterNY: Harvesting Bok Chou
earthmatterNY: Harvesting Bok Chou
earthmatterNY: Harvesting Bok Chou
earthmatterNY: Flowers harvested for dye workshop
earthmatterNY: Silk scarves we dyed with our dye garden plants and recycled avocado pits
earthmatterNY: Silk scarves we dyed with our dye garden plants and recycled avocado pits