earthmatterNY: Animal care committee discussing the 2021 season and care procedures for new chicks coming in April
earthmatterNY: Animal care giver!
earthmatterNY: We grew turnips and crimson clover as a fall cover crop on the farm in 2020 and are feeding these fresh greens to our chickens in winter
earthmatterNY: We grew turnips and crimson clover as a fall cover crop on the farm in 2020 and are feeding these fresh greens to our chickens in winter
earthmatterNY: David Niles, weekly chicken care giver
earthmatterNY: Animal care givers
earthmatterNY: Animal care givers
earthmatterNY: Animal care givers on a Friday work day
earthmatterNY: Amina’s love her Cutie a chicken she rescued and donated to us.
earthmatterNY: 9.19.20 Animal care givers
earthmatterNY: Miles, one of our 2020 interns, and chicken composting
earthmatterNY: Miles, one of our 2020 interns, and chicken composting
earthmatterNY: Animal care vols feed chickweed from our farm
earthmatterNY: Our chickens are laying a dozen eggs daily now that day light has increased
earthmatterNY: animal care 2_28_20
earthmatterNY: 2:28:20
earthmatterNY: Hollis orients Ace & Jig group to chicken composting and animal care giving 12.19
earthmatterNY: 11.2:.19 animal care vols
earthmatterNY: 9.7.19 NY Cares animal care crew with team leader Sam!
earthmatterNY: Amina (left) brought 2 abandoned pullets, found near a school in Brooklyn. We hope our flock accepts them. The photo with 2 chickens shows one of our hens facing down one of the adoptees; establishing the pecking order.
earthmatterNY: Amina (left) brought 2 abandoned pullets, found near a school in Brooklyn. We hope our flock accepts them. The photo with 2 chickens shows one of our hens facing down one of the adoptees; establishing the pecking order.
earthmatterNY: 8.25.19 Sunday end of day chicken care.
earthmatterNY: Animal care givers 7.19.19
earthmatterNY: Docents with Daisy 6.29.19
earthmatterNY: 6.14.19 Friday volunteers Nikki and Brian (and Daniela)
earthmatterNY: NY Cares animal Sunday care crew 6.19
earthmatterNY: 6.8.19 NY Care animal care givers Emmet + friends. First day as goat docents during public open hours.
earthmatterNY: Animal care work day prep for 2019 season
earthmatterNY: Animal care work day prep for 2019 season