earthmatterNY: David K, Andrea, Freeman, Charlie, Sam, Zach, Jennie, (missing: Marisa). We named this windrow Mara, based on the Mara Hoffman bio plastic bag inputs. 12.28.20
earthmatterNY: David K, Andrea, Freeman, Charlie, Sam, Zach, Jennie, (missing: Marisa). We named this windrow Mara, based on the Mara Hoffman bio plastic bag inputs. 12.28.20
earthmatterNY: IMG_9540
earthmatterNY: IMG_9430
earthmatterNY: IMG_9428
earthmatterNY: IMG_9407
earthmatterNY: Volunteers at the commissary area by “Lazy River” compost windrow comprised of a lot of island mugwort compostable serviceware.
earthmatterNY: de-bagging school carrots
earthmatterNY: 2:24 "Peanuts in a Haystack"
earthmatterNY: Feb 24th "Peanuts in a Haystack"
earthmatterNY: 2:17:20 a
earthmatterNY: 2:17:20
earthmatterNY: 2:10:20 build
earthmatterNY: 2:10:2020
earthmatterNY: 2:10:2020a
earthmatterNY: Community composting in our temporary operations space, by the old commissary on GI. 2.3.20.
earthmatterNY: Community composting in our temporary operations space, by the old commissary on GI. 2.3.20.
earthmatterNY: Community composting in our temporary operations space, by the old commissary on GI. 2.3.20.
earthmatterNY: IMG_2612
earthmatterNY: IMG_2613
earthmatterNY: IMG_2616
earthmatterNY: IMG_2625
earthmatterNY: Compost Build Jan 2020
earthmatterNY: build 1_27_20
earthmatterNY: build 1-21-20
earthmatterNY: Compost Cookie team work 1_13_20