Earthlink Photography by P. Richter: WARD'S 1ST DIGITAL CAMERA - IMG_9588
Earthlink Photography by P. Richter: HOLD THE CAMERA STEADY - IMG_9589
Earthlink Photography by P. Richter: LOOK UP NO. 1 by WARD -DSCF0058
Earthlink Photography by P. Richter: LOOK FOR TEXTURE & PATTERNS -DSCF0064
Earthlink Photography by P. Richter: LOOK FOR SHAPES & DESIGNS - DSCF0078
Earthlink Photography by P. Richter: LOOK FOR SHAPES & DESIGNS NO. 2 DSCF0079
Earthlink Photography by P. Richter: LOOK UP NO. 2 DSCF0086
Earthlink Photography by P. Richter: LOOK FOR THE UNUSUAL - DSCF0088 copy
Earthlink Photography by P. Richter: LOOK FOR A CHALLENGE NO. 1 - DSCF0095
Earthlink Photography by P. Richter: LOOK FOR LIGHT & SHADOW - DSCF0098
Earthlink Photography by P. Richter: LOOK FOR A STORY - DSCF0101
Earthlink Photography by P. Richter: LOOK FOR SHAPES & DESIGNS NO. 3 - DSCF0100
Earthlink Photography by P. Richter: LOOK FOR THINGS YOU LIKE - DSCF0106
Earthlink Photography by P. Richter: DON'T FORGET PEOPLE PICS - DSCF0116
Earthlink Photography by P. Richter: TELL YOUR STORY - DSCF0117
Earthlink Photography by P. Richter: GET SILLY -HAVE FUN - DSCF0118
Earthlink Photography by P. Richter: CREATE MEMORIES - DSCF0119 copy
Earthlink Photography by P. Richter: ASK OTHERS TO TAKE YOUR PICTURE -DSCF0125
Earthlink Photography by P. Richter: DON'T FORGET THE FLORA -DSCF0120
Earthlink Photography by P. Richter: RECORD SPECIAL EVENTS - DSCF0127
Earthlink Photography by P. Richter: PLAY WITH LIGHT -DSCF0128
Earthlink Photography by P. Richter: TAKE TIME OUT - DSCF0171
Earthlink Photography by P. Richter: LOOK UP OFTEN 2 -DSCF0132
Earthlink Photography by P. Richter: OOPS - BE CAREFUL LOOKING UP -DSCF0138
Earthlink Photography by P. Richter: FIND THE SURPRISES - DSCF0152
Earthlink Photography by P. Richter: PLAY - JUST BE A KID -DSCF0161 copy