earthdog: January 1: The Kiss
earthdog: January 2: Dead End
earthdog: Pokemon Go
earthdog: With Heart
earthdog: Skating Jump
earthdog: January 3: Back To Daily Life
earthdog: Lego Set
earthdog: Space Legos
earthdog: Quarter Dollar
earthdog: IMG_9064
earthdog: January 4: Kitty Kilroy
earthdog: Rainy Season
earthdog: Rainy Road
earthdog: PXL_20230104_005703334
earthdog: Skating
earthdog: Hot Wheels
earthdog: January 5: New Toy
earthdog: Hipstermatic Bowl
earthdog: Down the street
earthdog: Photo Card: Anything that starts with the Letter A
earthdog: Cheetah Kid
earthdog: Lego Spaceman
earthdog: At the Store
earthdog: Photo Idea Card: Hand
earthdog: Watching Football
earthdog: January 6: 12th Day of Christmas
earthdog: In the blanket
earthdog: Oakridge