earthclimate: Kaleidoscope ferris wheel
earthclimate: Swirls of light
earthclimate: Uncle Kracker singing to his fans
earthclimate: Uncle Kracker wailing on vocals
earthclimate: Kracker on vocals
earthclimate: Uncle Kracker
earthclimate: Dave Ragsdale
earthclimate: Jamming
earthclimate: Music and lights
earthclimate: Kansas!
earthclimate: Steve Walsh
earthclimate: Richard Williams
earthclimate: Crosswind
earthclimate: Rainbow swirls
earthclimate: Hypnotic ferris wheel
earthclimate: Moon shrouded in clouds
earthclimate: Swirls of light
earthclimate: Jimmy Olander
earthclimate: Silhouette and smoke
earthclimate: Brian Prout
earthclimate: Gene Johnson on vocals
earthclimate: Dan Truman
earthclimate: Marty Roe
earthclimate: Gene Johnson
earthclimate: Marty Roe
earthclimate: Lights and smoke
earthclimate: Dan Truman