Earthcare13 - (M. DeBussy): Clute and Poppy with friends, in kitchen
Earthcare13 - (M. DeBussy): Zahn, Teese, Confirmation
Earthcare13 - (M. DeBussy): Clute, JD (Poppy), Teese or Emma, Pip, and Al Bouchard, kneeling.
Earthcare13 - (M. DeBussy): Jackie Lu & Teese
Earthcare13 - (M. DeBussy): Aunt Emma and Uncle Al
Earthcare13 - (M. DeBussy): Boris DeBussy, Father, Grandfather, Great Grandfather. Teacher, Intellectual. Greatly missed.
Earthcare13 - (M. DeBussy): Boris DeBussy, WW II, Guam
Earthcare13 - (M. DeBussy): DSC_0200aUSE. Uneasy in my own skin.
Earthcare13 - (M. DeBussy): Ossip Giskin, Russian Cellist