Eartha Goodwin: Claes Steiner Bday invite
Eartha Goodwin: the first wave
Eartha Goodwin: look to the light my small child
Eartha Goodwin: Peeping Claes
Eartha Goodwin: Chelsae couch cutie o'mine
Eartha Goodwin: first ride subnyc
Eartha Goodwin: Claes's new feet
Eartha Goodwin: mushroom uncle
Eartha Goodwin: a sweet kiss
Eartha Goodwin: my babes
Eartha Goodwin: CLAES-change table series 2
Eartha Goodwin: CLAES-Changing table series
Eartha Goodwin: CLAES-change table series 3
Eartha Goodwin: Grandpa playing the spoons
Eartha Goodwin: not yet......
Eartha Goodwin: Meme Claes Papa DRUM
Eartha Goodwin: The shutter eventually woke him
Eartha Goodwin: Precious look
Eartha Goodwin: proud papa
Eartha Goodwin: part of the WAKE UP
Eartha Goodwin: the lips have it
Eartha Goodwin: claes myself and my painting
Eartha Goodwin: CLAES again ...10 months
Eartha Goodwin: Claes on the train to DC
Eartha Goodwin: mama and claes
Eartha Goodwin: Our little man