The Butcher's Dog: Kern arrives at CERN
The Butcher's Dog: Collider landscape
The Butcher's Dog: Collider portrait
The Butcher's Dog: Weighing in at 307.65g
The Butcher's Dog: Weighing in
The Butcher's Dog: Control room
The Butcher's Dog: LHC control panel
The Butcher's Dog: CERN control room
The Butcher's Dog: Contol room
The Butcher's Dog: History made in this office
The Butcher's Dog: 1204082_09
The Butcher's Dog: 1204082_02
The Butcher's Dog: 1204082_01
The Butcher's Dog: 1204082_14
The Butcher's Dog: 1204082_09
The Butcher's Dog: 1204082_03
The Butcher's Dog: 1204082_07
The Butcher's Dog: Sheffield University