Emanuel Antsis: Together. 1985
Emanuel Antsis: Light in my window
Emanuel Antsis: Homage to painter Edward Hooper. 2007
Emanuel Antsis: Morning light . 1989
Emanuel Antsis: Variations with Murano glass
Emanuel Antsis: Forms of nature and human made 4
Emanuel Antsis: Music of light, forms, rhytms and color
Emanuel Antsis: Still life with white pearle
Emanuel Antsis: Old pages
Emanuel Antsis: Tender mystery
Emanuel Antsis: My first still life in USA. 1980
Emanuel Antsis: Under veil. 1989
Emanuel Antsis: Light from shell
Emanuel Antsis: Composition 31
Emanuel Antsis: Sleeping beauty
Emanuel Antsis: Still life with orandges
Emanuel Antsis: Bottles and fruits
Emanuel Antsis: Homage to Fovism
Emanuel Antsis: Still life with Turkish jar
Emanuel Antsis: Shimmering
Emanuel Antsis: Blue horse and antique clock
Emanuel Antsis: Blow of theTime