Emanuel Antsis: My studio. "Mesmerize" 2007
Emanuel Antsis: Ashdod in the night. Israel. 2007
Emanuel Antsis: Homage to painter Edward Hooper. 2007
Emanuel Antsis: Still life with orandges
Emanuel Antsis: Homage to Fovism
Emanuel Antsis: The clown
Emanuel Antsis: Red harlequin
Emanuel Antsis: Flowers and Modern art
Emanuel Antsis: Forms of nature and human made 4
Emanuel Antsis: Nocturne of forms and colors
Emanuel Antsis: Floating still life
Emanuel Antsis: Blooming cherry tree
Emanuel Antsis: Femininity
Emanuel Antsis: Under veil. 1989
Emanuel Antsis: South st. Philadelphia. 2005
Emanuel Antsis: Blue horse and antique clock
Emanuel Antsis: Shimmering
Emanuel Antsis: Blow of theTime
Emanuel Antsis: Mystery in my room
Emanuel Antsis: Metaphysical
Emanuel Antsis: The Crowd
Emanuel Antsis: Newcomers
Emanuel Antsis: From the light. Antoine.1990
Emanuel Antsis: Women on the stony harbor. Maine
Emanuel Antsis: Bay in Bedford. Vermount. 2007
Emanuel Antsis: Gipsy dancer
Emanuel Antsis: The flying