annieb: pelicans bottoms up
annieb: pelicans in deepish water
annieb: on rotten pipe
annieb: 2 grey one white with black bill and the usual gulls
annieb: I need a bird book
annieb: pelicans and gulls on sand bank
annieb: 3 on pipe
annieb: pelicans swans and gulls
annieb: wings in v
annieb: pelican in flight
annieb: pelican wings outstretched
annieb: pelican taking off
annieb: ducks in foreground ship on horizon
annieb: two pelicans
annieb: solitary wader
annieb: Taking off
annieb: two waders
annieb: two ibis
annieb: stilt square
annieb: morning beach with humans and birds
annieb: white faced herron with view across bay beyond pier
annieb: view on a still morning with 2 ships
annieb: 5 coming in to land with yacht and pink plastic
annieb: sharing the beach kites pippie huntes and birds (2)
annieb: whstilt2
annieb: white headed stilt1
annieb: swans with ship in background
annieb: swans and ship2
annieb: two pelicans swimming
annieb: taking off