elinor.angel: Northern Cardinal (Cardinalis cardinalis)
elinor.angel: No Respect.
elinor.angel: Brown Thrasher (Toxostoma rufum)
elinor.angel: Is it Spring Yet?
elinor.angel: Flamingo Fight.
elinor.angel: Bird and Flowers
elinor.angel: I'm Ready!!!
elinor.angel: Robin in the Sunset.
elinor.angel: Riverflight.
elinor.angel: Little Birdie.
elinor.angel: Duck Parking.
elinor.angel: Osprey (Pandion haliaetus)
elinor.angel: Hold One Wing High If You....
elinor.angel: Gull vs. Evil
elinor.angel: Willet (Catotrophorus semipalmatus)
elinor.angel: Sandwich Tern (Sterna sandvicensis)
elinor.angel: Feeding Time.
elinor.angel: Hawk in the City.
elinor.angel: Ducks at Sunset.
elinor.angel: Lorikeets and Tigers and Bears, Oh My!
elinor.angel: Springtime Sparrow.
elinor.angel: Barred Owl in the Swamp.
elinor.angel: Red Shouldered Hawk In My Backyard!
elinor.angel: Red Shouldered Hawk In My Backyard!