elinor.angel: Rainbow over South Carolina.
elinor.angel: The Lion is Watching.
elinor.angel: Sheraton Hotel
elinor.angel: Church in Columbia
elinor.angel: Trinity Cathedral
elinor.angel: Students.
elinor.angel: Church Steeple over Columbia.
elinor.angel: No Respect.
elinor.angel: Musuem of Art
elinor.angel: Live Oaks at USC
elinor.angel: Bench in Light Snow
elinor.angel: State House in Late Afternoon
elinor.angel: Manhole cover.
elinor.angel: Standing Together.
elinor.angel: Bridge Graffiti
elinor.angel: Budding Possibility.
elinor.angel: Lily Bokeh
elinor.angel: Bokeh!
elinor.angel: Tattered Beauty.
elinor.angel: Yellow and Gray.
elinor.angel: Flower Magic.
elinor.angel: Bumblebee
elinor.angel: Sunshine and a Skipper.
elinor.angel: If I Were a Squirrel, I'd Jump Too!!!
elinor.angel: Lovely Long-Necked Lady
elinor.angel: Eye of the Giraffe.
elinor.angel: Old Man Elephant.
elinor.angel: Baby Black Footed Cats.
elinor.angel: Grizzly Fight.
elinor.angel: Is it Spring Yet?