The Roaming Picture Taker:
Lilly the puppy
The Roaming Picture Taker:
Moggy in the bath
The Roaming Picture Taker:
Moggy in the bath
The Roaming Picture Taker:
The Roaming Picture Taker:
The Roaming Picture Taker:
Reading the newspaper?
The Roaming Picture Taker:
Kitten ready to pounce!
The Roaming Picture Taker:
Moggy on the Shed
The Roaming Picture Taker:
Moggy on the Shed
The Roaming Picture Taker:
Moggy on the Shed
The Roaming Picture Taker:
Moggy on the Shed
The Roaming Picture Taker:
Moggy on the Shed
The Roaming Picture Taker:
Moggy on the Shed
The Roaming Picture Taker:
Moggy on the Shed
The Roaming Picture Taker:
Stand Off?
The Roaming Picture Taker:
Stand Off!
The Roaming Picture Taker:
Kitten on the fence
The Roaming Picture Taker:
Kitten on the fence
The Roaming Picture Taker:
Kitten on the fence
The Roaming Picture Taker:
Kitten on the fence
The Roaming Picture Taker:
Barnsley v Cardiff City on the Football League Show on BBC 1
The Roaming Picture Taker:
Kitten in the Tumble Dryer
The Roaming Picture Taker:
Kitten in the Tumble Dryer
The Roaming Picture Taker:
Kitten watching a police chase on television
The Roaming Picture Taker:
Kitten watching adverts
The Roaming Picture Taker:
Kitten watching adverts
The Roaming Picture Taker:
Kitten and the cellar
The Roaming Picture Taker:
Kitten and the cellar
The Roaming Picture Taker:
The Roaming Picture Taker: