eamonandkay: The Coffee Hour
eamonandkay: Delores and Claire at Coffee
eamonandkay: Sandy, Incognito
eamonandkay: Burtog and DiProva - Together Again
eamonandkay: Kevin in the Wee Hours
eamonandkay: A Sleepy Jon Hey
eamonandkay: This Fella Needs Coffee
eamonandkay: Note the Chocolate Milk Mustache
eamonandkay: Breakfast Fiddlin'
eamonandkay: What the...?
eamonandkay: James Makes Contact
eamonandkay: A pre-bruch serenade
eamonandkay: James Continues Captivated
eamonandkay: Here Lies Scary Monkey
eamonandkay: Still Fascinated
eamonandkay: Pensive James
eamonandkay: Scary Monkey
eamonandkay: More Scary Monkey
eamonandkay: Brunch Is Assembled; Ann Looks On
eamonandkay: Ann and John Dig In
eamonandkay: Time for Dogs
eamonandkay: Ruth and Florence
eamonandkay: Chef Eamon Samples a Brat
eamonandkay: Kevin Tastes His Pumpkin Chili
eamonandkay: Sweets!
eamonandkay: Questionable Attribution
eamonandkay: A Pumpkin Cookoff Entry
eamonandkay: Another Cook-off Entry
eamonandkay: Stew! Stew?
eamonandkay: Blue-Ribbon Winning Soup!