The imaginative landscape: P3056 佐紀神社 Saki-jinja
The imaginative landscape: P2954 伊射奈岐神社 Izanagi-jinja
The imaginative landscape: p1767 梅田スカイビル Umeda Sky Building
The imaginative landscape: P3058 佐紀神社 Saki-jinja
The imaginative landscape: P3331 明治天皇陵 Meiji-tennō-ryō
The imaginative landscape: P3064 平城宮 Heijō Palace
The imaginative landscape: P3003 平等院 Byōdō-in
The imaginative landscape: P3126 日牟禮八幡宮 Himure-Hachiman-gū
The imaginative landscape: P3009 宇治上神社 Ujigami-jinja
The imaginative landscape: P3155 京都タワー Kyōto Tower
The imaginative landscape: P3111日牟禮茶屋 Himure Village Taneya
The imaginative landscape: P3312 相川駅 Aikawa Station
The imaginative landscape: P3151 京都駅 Kyōto Station
The imaginative landscape: P2994 平等院 Byōdō-in
The imaginative landscape: P3081 新町通り Shin-machi-dōri
The imaginative landscape: P2961 山辺の道 Yamanobe-no-michi "path beside the mountains"