The imaginative landscape: P4065 大和文華館 The Museum Yamato Bunkakan
The imaginative landscape: P2783 元興寺 Gangō-ji
The imaginative landscape: P2779 元興寺 Gangō-ji
The imaginative landscape: P2778 元興寺 Gangō-ji
The imaginative landscape: P3716 興福寺 Kōfuku-ji
The imaginative landscape: P3719 興福寺 Kōfuku-ji
The imaginative landscape: P2804 奈良公園 Nara Park
The imaginative landscape: P2819 新薬師寺 Shin-Yakushi-ji
The imaginative landscape: P2807 新薬師寺 Shin-Yakushi-ji
The imaginative landscape: P2814 新薬師寺 Shin-Yakushi-ji
The imaginative landscape: P2811 新薬師寺 Shin-Yakushi-ji
The imaginative landscape: P2833 志賀直哉旧居 Former Residence of Shiga Naoya
The imaginative landscape: P2824 志賀直哉旧居 Former Residence of Shiga Naoya
The imaginative landscape: P2831 志賀直哉旧居 Former Residence of Shiga Naoya
The imaginative landscape: P2827 志賀直哉旧居 Former Residence of Shiga Naoya
The imaginative landscape: P4048 和爾下神社 Wanishita-jinja