The imaginative landscape: P3642 東大寺 Tōdai-ji
The imaginative landscape: P3650 東大寺 Tōdai-ji
The imaginative landscape: P3669.2 東大寺 Tōdai-ji
The imaginative landscape: P3674.2 東大寺 Tōdai-ji
The imaginative landscape: P3814 葛城山 Mt. Katsuragi
The imaginative landscape: P3761 葛城山 Mt. Katsuragi
The imaginative landscape: P2947 大和盆地 Yamato basin
The imaginative landscape: P2960 大和盆地 Yamato basin
The imaginative landscape: P2918 二上山 Mt.Nijō
The imaginative landscape: P2933 大和盆地 Yamato basin
The imaginative landscape: P3516 當麻寺 Taima-dera
The imaginative landscape: P2981 山辺の道 Yamanobe-no-michi "path beside the mountains"
The imaginative landscape: P2984 三輪山 Mt.Miwa
The imaginative landscape: P3477 當麻寺 Taima-dera
The imaginative landscape: P4096 長谷寺 Hase-dera
The imaginative landscape: P4101 長谷寺 Hase-dera
The imaginative landscape: P4098.2 長谷寺 Hase-dera
The imaginative landscape: P4086.3 長谷寺 Hase-dera
The imaginative landscape: P4133 初瀬 Hase district
The imaginative landscape: P3065 平城宮 Heijō Palace
The imaginative landscape: P3774 橿原神宮 Kashihara-Jingū