The imaginative landscape: P2845 誉田八幡宮 Konda-Hachiman-gū
The imaginative landscape: P3078 近江八幡 Ōmihachiman
The imaginative landscape: P3010 さわらびの道 Sawarabi-no-michi
The imaginative landscape: P4065 大和文華館 The Museum Yamato Bunkakan
The imaginative landscape: P2904 纒向 Makimuku district
The imaginative landscape: P3452 平群 Heguri district
The imaginative landscape: P3454 平群 Heguri district
The imaginative landscape: P4134 法起寺 Hokki-ji
The imaginative landscape: P4136 斑鳩 Ikaruga district
The imaginative landscape: P2897 纒向 Makimuku district
The imaginative landscape: P2896 纒向 Makimuku district
The imaginative landscape: P2971 山辺の道 Yamanobe-no-michi "path beside the mountains"
The imaginative landscape: P3221 万博記念公園 Expo '70 Commemorative Park
The imaginative landscape: P2977 山辺の道 Yamanobe-no-michi "path beside the mountains"
The imaginative landscape: P2978 山辺の道 Yamanobe-no-michi "path beside the mountains"
The imaginative landscape: P3169.2 佐紀路 Saki-ji
The imaginative landscape: P3499 當麻寺 Taima-dera