jeanner: seventh grade announcers
jeanner: fancy tux
jeanner: dramatic ending
jeanner: milkshake solo
jeanner: christmas number
jeanner: peacock dancer
jeanner: peacock dancer ii
jeanner: peacocks
jeanner: peacock dancer iii
jeanner: hip hop
jeanner: break dancing
jeanner: announcers
jeanner: Huang Di in the Emperors New Clothes
jeanner: selling the emperor clothes
jeanner: Is that the Hamburglar?
jeanner: taylor to the emperor
jeanner: the emperor has no clothes
jeanner: dancers
jeanner: announcers ii
jeanner: pretty girl with accordion
jeanner: scary bird
jeanner: snow white
jeanner: snow white ii
jeanner: snow white iii
jeanner: snow white iv
jeanner: snow white v
jeanner: announcers iii
jeanner: flamboyant dancer
jeanner: a teacher sings
jeanner: sequin hip hop