eaglewingtours: Serengeti is a whale watching tour boat in Victoria
eaglewingtours: 36 feet long: Serengeti
eaglewingtours: Serengeti on approach to Race Rocks lighthouse
eaglewingtours: Serengeti sitting at dock in Fisherman's Wharf
eaglewingtours: Victoria's best whale watching tour boat
eaglewingtours: seating for 14 passenger but only carries 12
eaglewingtours: Serengeti whale tour boat detail of bow
eaglewingtours: Eagle Wing Tours boat Serengeti watches whales near Victoria
eaglewingtours: Orca whale putting on a show for Eagle Wing Whale Watching passengers
eaglewingtours: Orca is more curious about us
eaglewingtours: Dashboard of Serengeti, Victori'as Premiere whale watchng tour boat
eaglewingtours: Serengeti offers total comfort
eaglewingtours: Serengeti cruising across some choppy seas