eagle1effi: 2020 war der Frühling - spring1 - schon weiter
eagle1effi: Spring1 First Flowers
eagle1effi: Spring1 First Flowers
eagle1effi: Spring1 First Flowers
eagle1effi: Gegenüber Ambiente Africa Szene Restaurant Stuttgart Werastrasse
eagle1effi: gelbe Krokusse im eisigen Schnee
eagle1effi: Österberg, an der Ammer entlang - Galanthus nivalis
eagle1effi: Signs of Spring: Hazelnuts in Bloom. hazelnut red (female) and male
eagle1effi: Schnell noch öffnen - Der erste Löwenzahn 2018
eagle1effi: Bellis perennis is a common European species of daisy, of the Asteraceae family, often considered the archetypal species of that name. 2018-04-08_12-39-51
eagle1effi: In the morning - spring - Frühling
eagle1effi: SX60 HS + Raynox - HAZELNUT CATKINS - Super-Macro - Signs of Spring: Hazelnuts in Bloom. male hazelnut blossom with backlight and bokeh
eagle1effi: SX60 HS macro outdoor. Willow catkins taken before Sunrise. 100 mm Macro.
eagle1effi: snow drops - Kleines Schneeglöckchen (Galanthus nivalis)
eagle1effi: FIRST Signs of Spring: Makro Krokus lila - Crocus purple - Flor de crocus (2013)
eagle1effi: Canon SX60 HS - tulip inside
eagle1effi: March 2015
eagle1effi: Krokus detail - so gut es geht - as good as it gets
eagle1effi: Schlüsselblume am sehr frühen Morgen - Primula veris - Primevère officinale in the night lights
eagle1effi: closed crocus, blured artistic. Krokus noch fast geschlossen
eagle1effi: flowering crocus, blured artistic. Krokussse
eagle1effi: two and a half
eagle1effi: 15 °C - sunny - sonnig - Frühlingserwachen - spring will come soon
eagle1effi: Croci, Krokusse. Primavera , Signs of Spring, Frühlingserwachen
eagle1effi: Crocus macro nightshot - a lot of raindrops can be heavy
eagle1effi: Morgens um halb sieben
eagle1effi: Unscheinbar, da ohne grüne Blätter - Huflattich - #macromonday
eagle1effi: My reference shot: Canon PowerShot SX1 iS - Haselnussblüte sonnt sich in der Abendsonne - hazel nuts flowering in the evening sun
eagle1effi: DOF Baumharz MACRO - 32 mm