eagle1effi: Glockenblume in der Nacht, vor Sonnenaufgang mit Morgentau
eagle1effi: Canon Powershot SX1 - Kletterpflanze - Geissblatt - climbing plant - lonicera - honeysuckle - TCM medicine
eagle1effi: Phalaenopsis - 2014-04-21 05.12.45 am
eagle1effi: Nokia 6220c Metamorphosis: Dent-de-lion, taraxacum in the night, macro outdoor nature naturemasterclass damncool Pusteblume taraxacum dandelion foliage
eagle1effi: Schwertlilie nachts • Full Darkness and macro
eagle1effi: Against the black. Iperico. Hypericum perforatum. Ver. 4. Square, edition Aviary.
eagle1effi: 2 Tulpen mit Regentropfen - Lumia Macro,
eagle1effi: Nature and the Environment
eagle1effi: Spathiphyllum aka Friedenslilie - a gothic flower
eagle1effi: Watching outdoor nature. Daffodil with raindrops. Captured with my Nokia Lumia 800.
eagle1effi: GRAND SUD MERLOT 2010 red wine, 25 cl
eagle1effi: Crocus macro nightshot - a lot of raindrops can be heavy
eagle1effi: Storchenschnabel - collage
eagle1effi: in the drizzle rain and in the night ! - very old filled pink rose - black framed
eagle1effi: Be my Star - sei mein Glücksstern - mon étoile de chance
eagle1effi: White in the night
eagle1effi: Kastanie am Baum. In der Nacht.
eagle1effi: White Dahlia - on black aka Georgina
eagle1effi: Dahlia yellow
eagle1effi: Dahlia pink
eagle1effi: shining in the night
eagle1effi: Beauty of the night. Yellow dream on black. Nachtkerze, blüht erst abends und auch in der Dunkelheit.
eagle1effi: Hibiscus flowering 1st step
eagle1effi: Hibiscus flower with hairs
eagle1effi: Vivat, crescat, floreat !
eagle1effi: Against the black. Iperico. Hypericum perforatum. Ver. 3.
eagle1effi: Logo Truck Wowox 115 coucou scania griffin Greifvogel ● Red Eagle with golden Crown
eagle1effi: 17.06.2011 studio macro
eagle1effi: Red Rose petals in the night
eagle1effi: Rose with a lot of raindrops. Nightshot. 霧雨, Sprühregen, Drizzle, Llovizna, Bruine, Pioviggine, Motregen