EAAFP: Red Knot! Good bye! Come again! (붉은가슴도요새야! 잘가! 또와!)
EAAFP: Let’s protect the Red Knot and Great Knot! (붉은가슴도요와 붉은어깨도요를 보호하세요!)
EAAFP: Please, wipe away the tears of Great Knot (붉은어깨도요의 눈물을 닦아주세요)
EAAFP: Red knot (붉은가슴새)
EAAFP: Please help the Red Knot! (붉은가슴도요새를 도와주세요!)
EAAFP: Happy shorebirds (화목한 도요새)
EAAFP: Great Knot (붉은어깨도요)
EAAFP: Black-tailed Godwit (흑꼬리도요)
EAAFP: Here is my resting place! (여기는 내 휴양지!)
EAAFP: The Red Knot caught a crab (붉은가슴도요가 게를 잡는 모습)
EAAFP: The Red Knot and Black-faced Spoonbill
EAAFP: Let’s save the Great Knot! (붉은어깨도요새를 보호하자!)
EAAFP: The Great Knot (붉은어깨도요)
EAAFP: The Red Knot (붉은가슴도요)
EAAFP: Shorebirds, where are you going? (도요새야 어디 가니?)
EAAFP: Lovely Family of Knots
EAAFP: Let’s enjoy the tidal flat with the blue sky (共享蓝天和滩涂)
EAAFP: Disappearing Tidal Flat, Great Knot (갯벌이 사라진다, 붉은어깨도요)
EAAFP: The Great Knot (붉은어깨도요)
EAAFP: Shorebird and life environment (滨鷸和生活环境)
EAAFP: The Great Knot (붉은어깨도요)
EAAFP: Grey land
EAAFP: Flapping of Hope (희망의 날갯짓 (구애))
EAAFP: The Red Knot, Human, and Nature (붉은가슴도요, 인간, 그리고 자연)
EAAFP: This is the bird you must see in 2017 (2017, 모두가 주목할 새)
EAAFP: Birth of Hope (희망의 탄생)
EAAFP: Shrinking habitats of shorebirds (점점 좁아지는 도요새의 터전)
EAAFP: The Red Knot (붉은가슴도요)
EAAFP: Creatures we want to take care
EAAFP: Black-faced Spoonbill