EAAFP: The Migration of Red Knots ©Janet Essley
EAAFP: Red Knot ©Adrian Boyle
EAAFP: January - Two Red Knots bathing and preening their feathers, New Zealand ©Janet Essley
EAAFP: February - Red Knots foraging on mudflats in Roebuck Bay, northwest Australia ©Janet Essley
EAAFP: March - Embarking on migration on a full moon ©Janet Essley
EAAFP: April - Red Knots moulting into their rusty-red breeding plumage, Indonesia ©Janet Essley
EAAFP: May - Red Knots staging in Bohai Bay, Yellow Sea, China, during northward migration ©Janet Essley
EAAFP: June - Males defending breeding territories on tundra, eastern Siberia ©Janet Essley
EAAFP: July - Nesting and raising chicks on tundra, eastern Siberia ©Janet Essley
EAAFP: August - A Red Knot’s first season: From egg to fledgling ©Janet Essley
EAAFP: September - Migration flight over the South China Sea ©Janet Essley
EAAFP: October - Flock roosting at high tide, north-western Australia ©Janet Essley
EAAFP: November - Diverse waterbirds sharing habitat in Roebuck Bay, northwest Australia ©Janet Essley
EAAFP: December - Flock in synchronous flight, New Zealand ©Janet Essley
EAAFP: Red Knots: A cultural Cartography of a Migratory Bird's Annual Journey