Elisafox22 off and on a bit!: Can Spring be far behind...?
Elisafox22 off and on a bit!: Quiet Nights …..
Elisafox22 off and on a bit!: Is it really summer?
Elisafox22 off and on a bit!: High stepping ….
Elisafox22 off and on a bit!: Autumn on the cusp of winter
Elisafox22 off and on a bit!: Shine a little light ....
Elisafox22 off and on a bit!: "There's been a small accident ...
Elisafox22 off and on a bit!: A postcard home ..... 😊
Elisafox22 off and on a bit!: An unofficial rose..
Elisafox22 off and on a bit!: Close harmonies ....
Elisafox22 off and on a bit!: Orphans of the storm....
Elisafox22 off and on a bit!: Unexpected encounter ...
Elisafox22 off and on a bit!: The morning after...😊
Elisafox22 off and on a bit!: How did I get here ...?
Elisafox22 off and on a bit!: Just plain white ...
Elisafox22 off and on a bit!: On a promise ....
Elisafox22 off and on a bit!: Brightening a dull winter's day 😊
Elisafox22 off and on a bit!: Gladioli and glass!
Elisafox22 off and on a bit!: Whispers behind the curtain ...
Elisafox22 off and on a bit!: Two of my favourite things ....
Elisafox22 off and on a bit!: ... and a pink carnation!
Elisafox22 off and on a bit!: Sliding a 'mum' ...
Elisafox22 off and on a bit!: Flower basket ....