Elisafox22 off and on a bit!: Gifts from our barn swallows ....
Elisafox22 off and on a bit!: Trace evidence ;o)
Elisafox22 off and on a bit!: A musical collection!
Elisafox22 off and on a bit!: Barn swallows - greeting the rising sun!
Elisafox22 off and on a bit!: Learning to fly! Barn swallow fledglings
Elisafox22 off and on a bit!: House guests. They are barn swallows ;o)
Elisafox22 off and on a bit!: HTT!! We're all in this together!
Elisafox22 off and on a bit!: European Barn Swallow's young
Elisafox22 off and on a bit!: European Barn Swallow and chicken eggs