Jordi AC: Roofs & windows (Morella, Els Ports)
Jordi AC: A look at Morella, Els Ports, Castelló
Jordi AC: The view behind the door...
Jordi AC: Ready for the sunset at Cantavella (el Maestrazgo Turolense)
Jordi AC: A piece of history...on iron
Jordi AC: Roofs and tree
Jordi AC: Symphony of roofs
Jordi AC: Emerging trees
Jordi AC: The chimneys, today, may find the moon too little...
Jordi AC: Foggy wake up
Jordi AC: How many stories could we find behind this door?
Jordi AC: Wood, iron and many, many years
Jordi AC: Has this window been forgoten?
Jordi AC: The storm is getting closer to Cantavieja
Jordi AC: Where the stones can almost tell stories...
Jordi AC: Archs, light & music...a way to heaven?
Jordi AC: Three doors...three colors...two windows... one town (Morella, Els Ports, Castelló, Spain)
Jordi AC: El Forcall, els Ports (Castelló, Spain)
Jordi AC: Windows (Mirambell)
Jordi AC: Too early, rather foggy...and perhaps it worth being here?
Jordi AC: Do we really need this door....?
Jordi AC: Where is the smoke....?
Jordi AC: Discovering the morning