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Morella, Els Ports & El Maestrat by Jordi AC
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Jordi AC
Roofs & windows (Morella, Els Ports)
Jordi AC
A look at Morella, Els Ports, Castelló
Jordi AC
The view behind the door...
Jordi AC
Ready for the sunset at Cantavella (el Maestrazgo Turolense)
Jordi AC
A piece of history...on iron
Jordi AC
Roofs and tree
Jordi AC
Symphony of roofs
Jordi AC
Emerging trees
Jordi AC
The chimneys, today, may find the moon too little...
Jordi AC
Foggy wake up
Jordi AC
How many stories could we find behind this door?
Jordi AC
Wood, iron and many, many years
Jordi AC
Has this window been forgoten?
Jordi AC
The storm is getting closer to Cantavieja
Jordi AC
Where the stones can almost tell stories...
Jordi AC
Archs, light & music...a way to heaven?
Jordi AC
Three doors...three colors...two windows... one town (Morella, Els Ports, Castelló, Spain)
Jordi AC
El Forcall, els Ports (Castelló, Spain)
Jordi AC
Windows (Mirambell)
Jordi AC
Too early, rather foggy...and perhaps cold...is it worth being here?
Jordi AC
Do we really need this door....?
Jordi AC
Where is the smoke....?
Jordi AC
Discovering the morning